Consulting Forensic Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist (Kentucky)
Psy.D., Spalding University
M.P.H., Medical College of Georgia
M.S.C.P., Fairleigh Dickinson University
Grad Cert., Chicago School
M.S., Murray State University
B.A., Murray State University
Forensic Consultation Only
Dr. Shelton is a Licensed Clinical and Forensic Psychologist in the States of Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Indiana and Ohio. She also takes cases from other states, including Texas, via acquisition of a temporary license or reciprocity agreement, when needed.
After earning her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Murray State University, Dr. Shelton completed an APA-accredited Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Spalding University. She then served as Chief Intern at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine for an APA-accredited Internship and completed two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Medical Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia before becoming Faculty in the Dept. of Psychiatry & Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Psychological Services for the MCG Children's Medical Center. There, she also earned a Master of Public Health degree. She completed her specialized training in Forensics at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and completed an APA-designated Postdoctoral Master of Science in Psychopharmacology at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
She has nearly 20 years of licensed experience providing Forensic Evaluation and Assessment of individuals for family, juvenile, civil, and criminal courts as well as state and federal agencies. She has testified as an Expert Witness in excess of 100 cases about individuals whom she has evaluated or on relevant psychological subjects and has performed hundreds of forensic assessments. Dr. Shelton also provides Mediation and Parent Coordination, mandated and elective Psychotherapy, formal and informal Psycho-Legal Consultation with attorneys, Rebuttal Review and Critique of other mental health experts' work, Subject Matter Expert Reports, and specialized Trainings on forensic topics.
Dr. Shelton is Past President of the Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA) and is the Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Register of Health Service Psychologist, where she is serving her second 4-year elected term in Washington, D.C. The National Register is the largest Psychology credentialing organization and the second largest Psychology organization with over 10,000 members.
She has held many national and state-level leadership roles including (within the National Register) Chair of the Committee on Professional Practice Ethics (COPPE), Chair of the Ambassadors Program, and Chair of the Nominations Committee; (within APA) Director of Continuing Education for the Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy (Div. 55), Chair of the Communications Committee for the American Psychology-Law Society (Div. 41); and (within KPA) Chair of the Ethics Committee, Chair of the Communications Committee, Chair of the By-Laws & Policy Committee, Ethics Representative of the Forensic Section, Western Region Representative, and Secretary on the Executive Committee as well as involvement on several other Committees and Task Forces.
American Psychological Association
Kentucky Psychological Association (President)
American Psychology-Law Society
Association of Correctional & Forensic Psychologists
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts